April Is Cesarean Awareness Month

In April of 2016, you can join others around the world in recognizing Cesarean Awareness Month. This public awareness campaign was launched for the purpose of educating families about cesarean sections, or C-sections. A C-section is a type of surgery that may be performed when it is considered unsafe for a mother to deliver a child vaginally. If a doctor fails to perform a C-section when required, it can result in serious harm. If your doctor delayed in performing a c-section or failed to perform a c-section and your baby has been injured consider talking to a medical malpractice lawyer.

Failure to Perform a C-Section medical malpractice attorney Long Island

It is the responsibility of all medical professionals who are assisting in a birth to recognize the signs of distress that indicate that a C-section may be necessary. In some medical negligence cases, doctors are found to be negligent for failing to perform cesarean sections when there were clear indications of fetal distress. If this results in injury to either the mother or the child, there may be found to have been negligent.

Medical Malpractice in Performing C-Sections

If a doctor performs a C-section and causes harm to either the mother or the child through negligence, they may be charged with medical malpractice. Some of the most common forms of negligence include waiting too long to perform the C-section because of failure to monitor the patient, making avoidable mistakes during the procedure, which can damage the mother and her ability to have future children, and failing to provide the fetus with enough oxygen during the procedure, causing brain damage.

The medical negligence lawyers at Pegalis & Erickson, LLC are devoted to helping families find the answers they deserve. If you feel that the obstetrics staff failed to perform a C-section when it was indicated, or you were harmed during the performance of a C-section, please call us today at (516) 684-2900. A medical malpractice attorney in Long Island, New York, will review your case and help you consider your legal options. Attorney Advertising

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