• The Magnitude of Handwashing

    Regular handwashing is the most important thing you can do to help prevent the spread of dangerous bacteria and viruses. Handwashing is particularly critical in a medical environment, where patients may be at increased risk of infection. Here is what you need to know about the value of handwashing.

    Handwashing can protect patients from infection
    Medical facilities, by their nature, expose patients to the risk of illness. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an average of one out of 25 hospital patients per day will come down with a hospital-related infection. Healthcare professionals can help to protect their patients by being diligent about following proper handwashing protocol.

    Handwashing should happen before and after contact with patients
    Most people wash their hands after using the bathroom and before handling food. For healthcare professionals, however, handwashing needs to happen both before and after they come into direct contact with any patients they are providing care for. Otherwise, there is a serious risk that they will spread contaminants from one patient to the next, resulting in avoidable illness or infection.

    Proper handwashing is effective handwashing
    In order to effectively remove germs from the hands, handwashing in a medical environment needs to be done carefully and thoroughly. Simply rinsing off your hands with water is not sufficient. In order to wash your hands effectively, you should start by rinsing your hands with clean water, lathering them with soap, scrubbing for at least 20 full seconds, and then completely rinsing them off.

    If you have questions about medical care or treatment, or a catastrophic injury, don’t delay in calling Pegalis & Erickson, LLC for a no-fee consultation!  We obtain justice for our clients after hospitals, doctors, construction companies, and drivers commit preventable errors that cause harm. Reach us at (516) 684-2900.

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  • What to Expect from a Legal Case Review

    If you believe that you have been affected by medical malpractice, your first step should be to contact a lawyer so that your case can be reviewed. When you meet with your lawyer, you’ll need to provide them with all of the information they need to evaluate the merits of your legal claim. Bring medical records and any other pertinent information that you have about your case. Be ready to answer questions honestly and directly. If you don’t remember something exactly or are fuzzy on the details, you can be up-front about that. The more forthcoming you are, the more useful your case review will be.

    If you are concerned about a misdiagnosis or possible medical error, contact the law firm of Pegalis & Erickson LLC in New York. For 45 years, we have advocated for people of all ages, in order to help our clients financially and make healthcare safer for everyone. You can reach us today by calling (516) 684-2900.

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