Does a Stillbirth Affect Future Pregnancies?

Stillbirth medical malpractice lawyer long island A stillbirth is a devastating experience that frequently takes couples by surprise. Many cases of stillbirth occur in pregnancies that were otherwise normal, and unfortunately, medical malpractice can play a role. If you suspect medical negligence was to blame for your stillbirth, contact a medical malpractice lawyer on Long Island to evaluate your case and determine if you have a medical malpractice lawsuit. While your case is being considered, you’re likely to have many questions about your stillbirth, including how it impacts your ability to expand your family in the future.

Physically, pregnancy after stillbirth is safe, and the vast majority of people who have a stillbirth will never experience another one. The psychological recovery from stillbirth can take much longer. Typically, doctors advise couples to wait until they feel they have coped with the stillbirth before attempting another pregnancy. Understanding the cause of the stillbirth is helpful. If a condition like high blood pressure was the cause of the stillbirth, mothers can take steps to control that in future pregnancies. When medical malpractice was to blame, mothers can feel confident no physiological condition will put a future pregnancy at risk.

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